Upcoming meeting in Rome Italy. The members of the Urban Geology Expert Group under EuroGeoSurvey will arrange their 2nd bi-annual meeting in October.
Upcoming meeting in Rome Italy. The members of the Urban Geology Expert Group under EuroGeoSurvey will arrange their 2nd bi-annual meeting in October.
Creating Just and Sustainable Cities, the 2019 EURA - UAA Conference City Futures IV June 20-22, 2019 in Dublin, Ireland
Visit website at
Conference Theme
The theme of the City Futures IV conference jointly organized by EURA and UAA is Creating Just and Sustainable Cities. Taking inspiration from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals the conference topic focuses on the challenges that we are currently facing to create cities and communities that are just, inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, while reducing poverty and inequality. Following a decade of crisis and austerity, inequalities are becoming ever more apparent at local, regional and global scales, with our current economic models increasingly being questioned and trust in formal politics declining. Violence and extremism lead to enforced migration and the post war geopolitical map is being shaken. Urban areas are often the sites where the contrasts between wealth and poverty are most stark, where inequalities become expressed spatially, where environmental degradation is most pronounced, and where the disenfranchised and disillusioned look for solutions in entrenchment and fear of ‘otherness’.
Despite such challenges urban areas, as they have been for millennia, are often the fulcrum of hope and innovation. The Conference theme asks scholars to reflect on how we can move towards more socially just, diverse, democratic, environmentally rich cities and city region.
Date: 13. - 16. March 2017 - COMPLETED
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Final Conference of the Sub-Urban action, MC meeting no. 8 and training workshop
PROGRAM UPDATES ON www.suburban2017
Date: 13. - 16. February 2017 - COMPLETED
Location: Novi Sad, Serbia
Training workshop
Date: 22. - 25. November 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Kraków, Poland
Training workshop
Date: 4. - 7. December 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Ostrava, Czech Republoc
Training workshop
Date: 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Glasgow, UK
Training workshop
Glasgow COST Toolbox workshop held 14th of November in Glasgow, UK. Ca 20 people attended from Planning, Data analytics, and Geotechnical specialisms got the Sub-Urban Toolbox demonstrated.
Date: 8. - 10. November 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Skopje, Rep. of Macedonia
Training workshop
Date: 3. - 4. November 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Training workshop - The Role of Subsurface Planning for the Sustainable and Resilient City Development. For more information go to:
Date: 8. - 13. October 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
WG 2 report
Date: 8.-9. September 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
City meeting, WG 3 meeting, training workshop
City meeting hosted at the Geological Survey of Slovenia. From left to right, back row: Ivan Stanic Ljubljana, Rik De Nooier from Rotterdam, Johanna Ljungdahl from Gothenburg, Ingelov Eriksson from Oslo, Ronny Kristiansen from Oslo and Herrbert Hemis from Vienna. Front row: Johan Borchgrevink from Oslo, Mitja Janza from Ljubljana and Jiri Ctyroky from Prague.
The meeting in Ljubljana city is hosted in the City Hall.
Data: 30.-31. August 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Edinburgh, UK
WG 3 and WG 4 (and core group) meeting
Date: 23. June 2016
Location: Rotterdam
IABR - Urban underground 2016 and workshop
Ignace van Campenhout from Rotterdam City (far left), colleague at Rotterdam City, Diarmad Campbell (BGS and Chair of COST action TU1206 Sub-Urban), Arnoud Molenaar chief Resilience officer, Rotterdam (NL), Paulo Prazeres Pais from the Resilience City Lisbon (PT) and Cathy Johnston from the Resilience City Glasgow (UK).
To view program see IABR 2016 - Next Economy
To read Rotterdam`s Resilience Strategy go to:
Date: 13.-14. April 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Brussels, Belgium
MC meeting no. 7 joint with WG 2 and WG 3 meetings. 1st training workshop
19 countries were represented at the MC meeting no. 7, held at the COST office in Brussels.
Date: 17.-18. March 2016 - COMPLETED
Location: Amsterdam, Schiphol, Netherlands
WG 2.1 meeting, Planners
Data: 3.-5. February 2016 COMPLETED
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Members of the COST action TU 1206 Sub-Urban attending the meeting and seminar at the Geological Survey of Norway in Trondheim, From left: Ignace van Campenhout from Rotterdam City, NL, Ingelöv Eriksson from Oslo City, NO, Floris Boogaard from HUAS Groningen, NL, Ken Howard IAH president and Univ of Toronto, CA, Hans de Beer from NGU, Susie Mielby from GEUS, DK, Diarmad Campbell from BGS and Chair of Sub-Urban, UK, Gillian Dick from Glasgow City, UK, Roelof Stuurman from Deltares, NL, Helen Bonsor form BGS, UK, Radu Gogu from UTCB in Bucharest, RO, David Lawrence from BGS, UK and Guri V. Ganerød for NGU, NO.
The event had focus on Urban Hydro Geology and Urban Geology and was co-organized by Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), COST TU 1206 Sub-Urban, EEA Grants and Norway Grants.
Program for the seminar see: Program for the NGU-day see:
Date: 10.-11. December 2015 COMPLETED
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Integrated model WG 2
Date: 26.-27. November 2015
Location: Vienna, Austria
Data: 20.-22. October 2015 COMPLETED
Location: Prague, Czech Republic.
WG 2 and WG 3 meeting
Members of WG2 and WG3 subgroups in front of the conference center in Prague.
Data: 13.-14. October 2015 - COMPLETED
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference on ground water and suburban challenges.
Date: 10.- 11. September - COMPLETED
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
WG 2 and WG 3 meeting
Date: 27. - 28. May - COMPLETED
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
WG 2 and WG 3 meeting
The subgroup WG 2.1 Subsurface urban planning & management had an productive meeting in Amsterdam.
Subgroup WG 2.3 Interactive 3D modelling & visualisation
Date: 13.-15. May 2015 - COMPLETED
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Workshop on "Current trends and approaches in urban hydrogeology"
Co-organized with EEA Grants, Norway Grants and COST TU 1206 Sub-Urban
by the Faculty of Hydrotechnics at the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
Chair Diarmad Campbell (BGS), host Radu Gogu (UTCB) and vise chair Hans de Beer (NGU) attending the workshop .
A large group attended the field trip following the workshop in Bucharest city, Romania.
Date: April 2015 POSTPONED
Location: Antwerp (Belgium) probable venue change to Ghent
WG2 subgroup - Geotechnical modelling & hazards
Data: 16. to 17. March 2015 - COMPLETED
Location: CIENS Centre in Oslo (Norway)
Water management and cultural heritage in urban planning. Joint conference with ‘Urban WATCH’ involving municipalities of Oslo and Bergen. Cultural heritage protection is often related to surface- and groundwater management. This poses a threat, certainly in view of climate change and the current need to adaptation in urban water systems. NIVA and partners welcome you to a seminar on the challenges to enhance urban water management practice. More information further down.
Date: 4 to 6 March 2015 - COMPLETED
Location: Zagreb (Croatia)
WG2 subgroups - Combined meeting and reporting. MC meeting 6 (5 March). Workshop Testing the Toolbox for the Urban Subsurface (6 March)
In Zagreb we were 46 participating members from 21 different countries in Europe. Here on the stairs of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb.
Date: 4.-5. February 2015 - COMPLETED
Location: PGI Warsaw, (Poland)
WG2 subgroups - Geotechnical modelling & hazards/Data acquisition & management
Date: 19, 20 and 21 November 2014 - COMPLETED
Location: Edinburgh (UK)
Workshop 3D Modelling of the subsurface. 19 November Joint Meeting TU1206 and TU1208 - Investigating the shallow subsurface 20-21 November WG2 subgroup - Interactive 3D modelling & visualization.
Date: 20th and 21st November 2014 - COMPLETED
Location: Basel (Switzerland)
WG2 subgroups - Groundwater, geothermal modelling & monitoring/Data acquisition and Management (Representative from Subgroup 2 Data acquisition & management to attend or to join by video conference – Subgroup 2 meeting transferred to joint event with subgroup 5 in Warsaw Jan/Feb 2015).
Date: 18 and 19 September 2014 - COMPLETED
Location: Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
WG2 subgroups - Subsurface Urban planning & management/ Geotechnical modelling & hazards. MC meeting 5 (19 September)
Date: 10 July 2014 - COMPLETED
Location: Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Sub-Urban Workshop at IABR 2014 - Urban by Nature
Date: 14 and 15 July 2014 POSTPONED
Location: Keyworth Nottingham (UK)
WG2 subgroups - Data acquisition & management-revised to two days in December 2014; date to be confirmed
Date: May 2014 - COMPLETED
Location: Glasgow, UK
Seminar in CUSP and ASK project. Glasgow, Scotland`s largest city, is built along the upper Clyde estuary and lower river Clyde. In the heart of the city are the Clyde gateway and Clyde waterfront areas - the National Urban Regeneration priority for Scotland over the next 25 years. For more information see further down.
Cultural heritage protection is often related to surface- and groundwater management. This poses a threat, certainly in view of climate change and the current need to adaptation in urban water systems. NIVA and partners welcome you to a seminar on the challenges to enhance urban water management practice.
Location: Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway
Data: 16.03.2015 - 17.03.2015 COMPLETED
The seminar is organized by the RCN-project Urban Watch, in co-operation with "Cost Action TU1206 Sub-Urban" - A European Network to improve understanding and use of the ground beneath our cities.
Cultural heritage protection is often related to surface- and groundwater management. This poses a threat, certainly in view of climate change and the current need to adaptation in urban water systems. NIVA and partners welcome you to a seminar on the challenges to enhance urban water management practice.
Location: Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway
Data: 16.03.2015 - 17.03.2015 COMPLETED
The seminar is organized by the RCN-project Urban Watch, in co-operation with "Cost Action TU1206 Sub-Urban" - A European Network to improve understanding and use of the ground beneath our cities.
Oslo City, Norway, with Dronning Eufemias street and the new Deichman Library under construction.
The programme consists of:
a symposium during which urban developers and underground specialists from various european cities discuss the urgent issues concerning the urban underground.
an underground experience: 3D models and visualisations, serious game, demo sessions, profiles, cores.
The programme will be plenary introduced by:
Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Cramer, former Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment in the Netherlands, currently director of the Utrecht Sustainability Institute, Professor sustainable innovation at Utrecht University and COB Ambassador.
Dr. Diarmad Campbell, Chief Geologist, British Geological Survey, Scotland and Chair of the COST - SUB-URBAN programme.
COST Action TU1206 - SUB-URBAN; City of Rotterdam, Engineering MRO; TNO Geological Survey; COB; Strategis; RO2.
With participation of: Ministry of I&M (STRONG), Ministry of Economical affairs (EBN), City of Amsterdam and Geo-Impuls.
In cooperation with IABR.
English language; Free participation; for registration please send an email to:
Download the conference flyer here.
This regeneration is intended to stimulate economic growth, drive smaller community regeneration projects, and tackle concentrated deprivation resulting from industrial decline.
To underpin this regeneration we are developing integrated and attributed dynamic shallow-earth 3D models in partnership with Glasgow City Council and other organisations.
This transdisciplinary project aims to make geoscience information more accessible, relevant and understandable to the wide range of users involved in the sustainable regeneration and development of Glasgow and the Clyde Gateway.
You can find out more about the Glasgow and the Clyde Basin - Clyde Urban Super Project (CUSP) on the BGS website.