Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovenia. It has a central geographic location within Slovenia. Thanks to its natural features and well-considered urban planning, Ljubljana has a distinctly green identity. The Municipal spatial plan shows that green areas make up nearly three quarters of the entire territory of the City of Ljubljana. As part of the comprehensive vision of the development of the city, which is based on the concentration of existing settlement structures, we emphasise internal development, the concentration of settlement along the main city access routes and the regeneration of degraded areas.

The high proportion of open areas is linked primarily to the hilly, marshy and aquatic natural hinterland of the city, an area that was historically less attractive for construction and urban development. Almost 81% of all green areas lie in the city hinterland (contiguous aquatic, forest and agricultural areas) which extend right into the historical city centre via green wedges and riparian corridors.

Read more about Ljubljana City in case study report  TU1206-WG1-008

City facts

  • Municipality of Ljubljana covers a total area of 275 square kilometres.
  • Ljubljana has 282.994 inhabitants (2012).
  • The population density in Ljubljana is 1029,1 inhabitants per square kilometre (2012).
  • Total number of housing: 119.687 (2008).
  • The number of registered vehicles is 145.810 (2012).
  • The length of the road network in Ljubljana is 1152,5 km (54,7 km highways) (2011). The route length of the public bus transport network is 357 km and it has 211 buses. 39.437.000 passengers are carried per year by buses, 1.198.911 over the Ljubljana airport and 3.268.039 by train (2012). 