OSLO SUBSURFACE Project - Lessons and applications with particular reference to implementation of subsurface knowledge in Urban Planning in Rotterdam

The work on the Oslo Subsurface Project provides an ideal case study for the COST SUB-URBAN Action to learn from. This STSM has allowed for benchmarking between Oslo and Rotterdam to be set up as both cities are in an investigating stage of regulating and managing the underground and have challenges in enhancing awareness of the subsurface. The fact that the STSM is timed to run in parallel with a STSM between Oslo and Glasgow enhances the results to be beneficial to the COST Action.

Source: Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam

Source: Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam

The planning policy and process of enhancing the level of awareness of subsurface in city development in Glasgow and Oslo are of large interest to Rotterdam. This STSM has resulted in an exchange of knowledge between the three cities about how to raise the awareness of the importance of the urban subsurface among urban planners.

Many lessons have been learned through this STSM in relation to the following topics:

  • municipal knowledge and responsibilities
  • integration of the subsurface in spatial plans
  • data and software used in the chain of urban planners and engineers
  • road to integral consideration of subsurface data with above surface issues to optimise urban development
  • communication between urban planners and engineers
  • tools to enhance stakeholder involvement
  • the role of institutional arrangements

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