Subsurface Specialist
Groundwater (2.4 /2.7)
- Groundwater monitoring (Glasgow, Novi Sad, Rotterdam rpts)
- Design
- Installation of monitoring points
- Monitoring data
- Groundwater modelling (2.3 Odense example) (JE. STSM) (Hamburg + Rotterdam rpt?)
- Modelling resource and flows
- Thermal resource (JE STSM)
- Groundwater data sharing (2.2)
- Groundwater models
- Decision support
- Knowledge exchange and policy
- Groundwater protection (A Coruna rpt)
- Impact and regulation of geothermal use
- Groundwater supply
- Groundwater quality
Heat (2.4)
- GSHP (Spain / Switzerland STSM)
- Hamburg model
- Sweden
- Shallow geothermal energy (JE. STSM)
- Monitoring of thermal resources (JE. STSM)
- Management of thermal resources (JE. STSM)
- Heat-transport modelling (JE. STSM)
- Management (rotterdam rpt ch7) (H.B. STSM)
- Integration of urban data (2.2)
- Analog - digital (2.2)
- Commerical / Public data services (Acquisition) (2.2)
- Managing permissions and roles (2.2)
- Re-use (ASK network examples / 2.2 / H.B. STSM, Glasgow)
- Input for 3D model (2.2/2.3) (H.B. STSM)
- Data exchange (2.2) (H.B. STSM)
- databases (- chemistry 2.6)
- delivery (H.B. STSM)
- standards (H.B. STSM)
3D Models (2.3 / STSM G.Dick)
- Constructing / maintaining 3d models (2.3)
- Voxel Modelling (2.3) (2.2)
- Layer Based (2.3)
- Model update (2.3)
- Model delivery (2.3)
- Man-made ground (2.3)
- Visualisation of models (below and above ground) (2.3)
- Uncertainty (2.3)
- Integration of above and below ground?
- Case studies (e.g. Rotterdam, ...)
- Database design (2.2)
- Digitization of boreholes (2.2)
- Data exchange (2.2)
- Case studies (Dublin)
- Mining
- Landslide mapping (2.5)
- Methods
- Visualisation
- Workflows
- Case studies (Nantes, Dublin, Glasgow)
- value of information (2.8) (JE. STSM)
- value of subsurface (2.8) (JE. STSM)
- prevention of unexpected conditions (2.8)
- reuse of data (2.8)
- (H.B. STSM)
Cultural Heritage
- 3D Modelling (2.3)
- Integrating urban (2.2 chpt 2)
- Index from 2.7
City Planner
- Drinking Water
- How do I get water for my residents
- How do I make sure water is safe
- How do I protect drinking water
- How do i manage water in urban area
- report 2.4
- Case studies (Novi Sad rpt.)
- How can I heat my city / Heat from ground?
- refer to 2.4
- Integrated City Plans
- Helsinki
- Hamburg
- Montreal / Singapore
- Subsurface Management Plans
- Visual display of city information
- Warsaw / Dublin / Prague
- Opportunities
- city studies / summary report
Urban Planning
- 3D Model for UP (2.3) Oslo / Helsinki
- WG1 summary report
- WG1 individual reports
- takes questions from report 2.6 Table
Mechanisms / Law
- ASK (... /H.B. STSM)
- Governance (WG1 city reports) STSM / Publications
- NADAG (Norwegian database)
- Denmark (2.2)
- Legislation (H.B. STSM, Denmark, UK)
Building underground
- Hong Kong STSM
Decision Maker
- Rotterdam workshops (7.3)
- Training issues
- Knowledge sharing
- Why should I?
- Economics Report
- Websites